October is Fall Car Care Month! This annual occasion helps remind us of the importance of properly preparing our vehicles for the harsh winter months ahead. With summer in our rear view mirror and winter not so far down the road, consider these five car care tips:

  1. Check Your Winter Tires – It’s probably been a while since you have looked at your winter tires, so now is a good time to give them a thorough check to make sure they have not suffered any rodent damage in storage and that they still have sufficient tread depth.
  2. Test Your Defroster and Heater – The first frost comes quick, and so does the first icy windshield. Make sure you will be able to see clearly and keep warm by testing your defroster and heater. If there are any issues, make an appointment with a certified mechanic.
  3. Upgrade Your Wiper Blades – Your windshield wiper blades probably have seen better days. Before the harsh elements of winter barrage your windshield, it’s a good idea to install a new pair, preferably one that is designed for winter use.
  4. Evaluate Your Battery – Has your car been starting smoothly lately? What is the date on the battery? Are the connections tight and free of corrosion? Answer all of these questions before the cold weather begins its assault on your vehicle’s battery.
  5. Wax On – Help protect your vehicle’s paint from corrosive road salt by thoroughly washing then waxing it with a quality product.

Enjoy fall! Pick apples, carve pumpkins, take pictures of leaves, and get your car ready for winter.